Chrysis enhuycki Cooper, 1952:140, ♂♀. Holotype ♀, Princeton, New Jersey, June 23, 1946 (U. S. National Museum, leg. Cooper); Kimsey, 2006Kimsey, L.S. 2006. California Cuckoo Wasps in the Family Chrysididae (Hymenoptera). University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London. 1-311.:169, Holotype ♀ (USNM). - Cooper, 1952Cooper, K.W. 1952. A remarkable new species and subgenus of Chrysid Wasp from North America, with notes on related forms. (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 78 (3/4):137-148. (distribution); Krombein, 1958Krombein, K.V. 1958. Superfamily Bethyloidea. In: Krombein, K.V. (Ed.). Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico - Synoptic Catalog. Washington: U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agriculture Monograph No. 2. First Supplement, 305 pp. 94-100. (distribution). - As Ceratochrysis enhuycki: - Frohlich et al., 1988Frohlich, D.R., W.H. Clark, F.D. Parker & T.L. Griswold 1988. The xylophilous bees and wasps of a high, cold desert: Leslie Gulch, Oregon (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Vespoidea). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 64 (3):266-269. (distribution); Kimsey, 2006Kimsey, L.S. 2006. California Cuckoo Wasps in the Family Chrysididae (Hymenoptera). University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London. 1-311. (distribution); Conrow et al., 2016Conrow, R.T., K.M. Zivicki & G.P. Setliff 2016. Cuckoo wasps of Pennsylvania (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 142 (10):113-129. (distribution).
Ceratochrysis tuberella Bohart, 1966:122, ♂♀. Holotype ♂, Paradise Camp, Mono Co., California, May 7, 1960 (UCD, leg. F.D. Parker); Kimsey, 2006Kimsey, L.S. 2006. California Cuckoo Wasps in the Family Chrysididae (Hymenoptera). University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London. 1-311.:169, Holotype ♂ (UCDC). - Bohart, 1966Bohart, R.M. 1966. New species of Ceratochrysis from North America (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 39 (1):112-123. (distribution).